Jason Hackworth - "Manufacturing Decline : How Racism and the Conservative Movement Crush the American Rust Belt"
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Intervenant : Jason Hackworth
professeur au département de géographie de Toronto University, spécialiste des politiques urbaines, qui parlera, depuis Toronto, de son dernier ouvrage chez Columbia University Press :
Lien internet : ICI
L'introduction du livre est disponible sur le site de l'éditeur : https://cup.columbia.edu/book/manufacturing-decline/9780231193733 (cliquer sur "excerpt")
Discutant : Clément Barbier, maître de conférences en sciences politiques (Université de Valenciennes)
"Mes travaux portent sur le gouvernement localisé des transformations du capitalisme au travers de la sociologie croisée de grands projets de renouvellement urbain, des trajectoires socio-professionnelles et du hors-travail des ouvrière?er?s logistiques comme des (re)conversions immobilières de la bourgeoisie industrielle. Ils touchent ainsi à plusieurs champs de recherche : la sociologie de l'action publique, des classes populaires, de la bourgeoisie et des marchés immobiliers ainsi qu'à l'épistémologie de la comparaison en sciences sociales."
The book : "Manufacturing Decline : How Racism and the Conservative Movement Crush the American Rust Belt"
Columbia University Press, October 2019
ISBN : 9780231193733
Lien internet : ICI
Jason Hackworth
Jason Hackworth is a professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto. He is the author of The Neoliberal City: Governance, Ideology, and Development in American Urbanism (2007) and Faith Based: Religious Neoliberalism and the Politics of Welfare in the United States (2012).
For decades, the distressed cities of the Rust Belt have been symbols of deindustrialization and postindustrial decay, their troubles cast as the inevitable outcome of economic change. The debate about why the fortunes of cities such as Detroit have fallen looms large over questions of social policy. In Manufacturing Decline, Jason Hackworth offers a powerful critique of the role of Rust Belt cities in American political discourse, arguing that antigovernment conservatives capitalized on—and perpetuated—these cities’ misfortunes by stoking racial resentment.
Hackworth traces how the conservative movement has used the imagery and ideas of urban decline since the 1970s to advance their cause. Through a comparative study of shrinking Rust Belt cities, he argues that the rhetoric of the troubled “inner city” has served as a proxy for other social conflicts around race and class. In particular, conservatives have used images of urban decay to craft “dog-whistle” messages to racially resentful whites, garnering votes for the Republican Party and helping justify limits on local autonomy in distressed cities. The othering of predominantly black industrial cities has served as the basis for disinvestment and deprivation that exacerbated the flight of people and capital. Decline, Hackworth contends, was manufactured both literally and rhetorically in an effort to advance austerity and punitive policies. Weaving together analyses of urban policy, movement conservatism, and market fundamentalism, Manufacturing Decline highlights the central role of racial reaction in creating the problems American cities still face.